Getting Started

Hair: Doux - Hallucination
Glasses: Bondi - Mai Glasses
Lingerie: BamPu Legacies - Kruel Krush (Risky Business)
Leg Tattoo: Carol G - Bird Leg Tattoo
Body: Legacy
Shoes: Utopia - VALENTINA
Pole: Short Leash - Big Tease Stripper Pole (Risky Business)
Chairs: Short Leash - Big Tease Patron Chair (Risky Business)
Table: Short Leash - Big Tease Patron Table (Risky Business)
Plants: Petite Mort -  Monstera Deliciosa (Risky Business)
Background: FoxCity - Sinner
Pose: Mewsery - Sweet Lolita 1b

The event runs from 2/10-2/26.
If you'd like to stay up-to-date check out the Silly Llama Discord Channel. Until then here is a list of participating stores and the shopping gallery.

Thanks for stopping by! ♥




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